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COVID-19 Positive Patients

    • One (1) well visitor for all COVID-19 positive patients or patients under investigation (PUIs) for COVID-19 between limited hours of 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
    • No visitor under the age of 16 unless approved by House Supervisor
    • Visitors who screen positive at entry will be asked to seek care if needed and reschedule their visit until they are symptom-free or meet the quarantine timeframe. 
    • Excluding ICU patients, once the COVID-19 positive patient droplet isolation precautions have been discontinued, he/ she will be allowed two (2) WELL inpatient visitors between limited hours of 7am to 7pm.

Emergency Department

    • The patient is allowed two (2) WELL designated visitors.

Outpatient - such as Diagnostic Imagine, Wound Care, Surgery Services, Cath Lab, Laboratory, Outpatient Therapy, etc.

    • The patient is allowed one (1) WELL designated support person.

Hospice Patients

    • The patient is allowed two (2) WELL designated support persons around the clock (exceptions made by the House Supervisor).
    • In-person visitation by religious counselor with a patient who is receiving care or treatment at the hospital and who is seriously ill or dying.

Labor & Delivery

    • The patient is allowed two (2) WELL designated support members allowed in Labor & Delivery around the clock.
    • No children allowed in Labor & Delivery.


    • The patient is allowed two (2) WELL visitors.
    • Visiting hours are 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.


    • The patient is allowed one (1) WELL visitor.
    • Visiting hours are 7 a.m. – 7 p.m with a designated rest period between 2 p.m and 4 p.m.

Visitors will be required to comply with the following:

  • Patients and visitors will complete a health self-screening before entering the hospital and at all times while visiting a patient at the hospital he/she is recommended to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) that meets the hospital's infection control and safety requirements in the manner prescribed by the hospital.
    • If a visitor refuses to comply with the above, the House Supervisor should be contacted.  A visitor may be denied entry to or removed from the hospital's premises if they refuse or fail to comply with the above requirements.

The above visitation can only be restricted if a determination is made by the patient's attending physician that in-person visitations with the patient may lead to the transmission of an infectious agent that poses a serious community health risk.  A determination made by an attending physician is valid for not more than five days after the date of determination is made unless renewed by an attending physician.

If a visitor is denied visitation because of a determination made by an attending physician, the hospital will:

    1. Provide each day a written or oral update of the patient's condition to the visitor if the visitor:
      • Is authorized by the patient to receive relevant health information regarding the patient,
      • Has authority to receive the patient's health information under an advance directive or medical power of attorney, or
      • Is otherwise the patient's surrogate decision-maker regarding the patient's health care needs.
    2. Notify the person who receives the daily update of the estimated date and time at which the patient will be discharged from the hospital.